Use data upgrades with Flyway

OWSI-Core and the basic application are programmed to be able to use Flyway for handling your data upgrades, here’s how you can do it.

Activate Flyway’s Spring profile

First of all, you need to activate Flyway’s Spring profile. To do so, just modify this line to add flyway in the file :

With this simple modification, you have enabled the creation of the Flyway bean in the application and you can now start to use it.


If you want to disable flyway from your application, just remove the word flyway from the line in the file

Create a Flyway data upgrade

The first thing to do is to is to add flyway’s variables in the file :


You can write your data upgrades either in SQL or Java. Here we have chosen to put our upgrades .sql in the folder src/main/resources/db/migration/ and our upgrades .java in the package fr.openwide.core.basicapp.core.config.migration.common. If you want to specify multiple locations, you have to separate them with a single comma.

Now you can create the data upgrades which will be applied by Flyway. If you want to be able to relaunch manually the upgrade in case it fails, you have to use the Java formatted upgrades.


Flyway works with a database versioning system. The versions are based on the names of the data upgrades so be careful how you name them. The name must respect the pattern Vversion_you_want__NameOfDataUpgrade. For example V1_0__ImportTable.sql is a valid name. SQL and Java upgrades follow the same naming pattern.

Create an SQL formatted data upgrade

If you want to write a data upgrade in SQL, just write your script and place your SQL file in the folder or package you have specified earlier.

Create a Java formatted data upgrade

If you want to write a date upgrade in Java, you have to follow a particular workflow. In fact, it is not the Flyway upgrade which will contain the operations on your data/database, you will have to create an OWSI-Core data upgrade after the Flyway one.

Your Flyway data upgrade will only declare that the data upgrade exists and that the application needs to launch it. To do so, copy the existing Flyway data upgrade, give it the name you want and change in the class the value of the DATA_UPGRADE_NAME variable :

private String DATA_UPGRADE_NAME = "ImportExcel";

Create an OWSI-Core data upgrade

If you have wrote Java formatted data upgrades, you need to create an OWSI-Core data upgrade for each one of these which is named after the DATA_UPGRADE_NAME value you specified earlier. For example, if the value entered in the Flyway Java data upgrade is ImportTable, you have to name your OWSI-Core data upgrade

An OWSI-Core data upgrade is a java class which implements IDataUpgrade and override its methods. Write all your operations in the function perform().