Create, initialize and launch a project - Workflow

In this page, we will follow the complete workflow to properly create a project, starting from nothing to finally be able to run the project on a server. In the following steps, we will call the project hello-world.

Clone the owsi-core-parent repository

First of all, clone the owsi-core-parent project :

git clone

Generate the new project and push it on gitlab

You can find a more detailed documentation of this part here.

In order to generate the project, we need to build the archetype :

cd ~/git/owsi-core-parent/basic-application
./ ../basic-application/ local

After that, we place ourselves in /tmp and we generate the project :

cd /tmp
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeVersion=X.X -DarchetypeCatalog=local -DartifactId=hello-world -Dversion=0.1-SNAPSHOT -DarchetypeApplicationNamePrefix="HelloWorld" -DarchetypeSpringAnnotationValuePrefix="helloWorld" -DarchetypeFullApplicationName="Customer - Hello World" -DarchetypeDatabasePrefix=hello_world -DarchetypeDataDirectory=hello-world

The script asks what archetype we want to use, we choose the number corresponding to local, and validate the different values we entered previously.

We go to the newly generated project folder and make an adjustment : we add a line with the version of the owsi-core in the file hello-world/pom.xml between the markers properties, just under the line for the tomcat-jdbc.version :

              <!-- il est préférable de bien surcharger la version du pool jdbc Tomcat au niveau du projet en fonction de la version de Tomcat -->


Note that here the version is the 0.14-SNAPSHOT because it is the latest version at the time.

After that, we push the project on gitlab by executing the script located in the project folder :

/bin/bash hello-world
git push --set-upstream origin master

After pushing the project on gitlab, we have to delete the created folder and start working with a fresh one.

cd ..
rm -rf hello-world/*

We will make a new clone of the project using Oomph in the next step.

Create a fresh clone and a properly configured workspace with Oomph

You can find a more detailed documentation of this part in the dedicated Oomph page.

Open an Eclipse Neon and select a new and clean workspace. After that, we follow the Oomph page documentation until we come to the window with multiple variables to fill. We fill the window as follow :

  • Nom du clone git : hello-world
  • Choix du dépôt : Dépôt Gitlab
  • Branche : master
  • Répertoire du tomcat : ${user.home}/Documents/apps/apache-tomcat-7.0.53
  • Nom du projet maven : ${}
  • Nom de la webapp : ${}-webapp
  • Nom du projet gitlab : hello-world

From here, we have a new project successfully created and pushed online, and a properly configure workspace. The only thing left is the database.

Create and initialize the database

You can find a more detailed documentation of this part in the prerequisite part of the Project installation page.

In this part, we will create the database with the proper user and schema, and we will fill it with a script. Before performing the following commands, make sure you have PostgreSQL installed.

To create the database, we execute some commands directly in a terminal:

createuser -U postgres -P hello_world
createdb -U postgres -O hello_world hello_world
psql -U postgres hello_world
#Here you are connected to the database as the user postgres
psql -U hello_world hello_world
#Here you are connected to the database as the user hello_world
CREATE SCHEMA hello_world;


Use the name of the project for the password (here: hello_world)

After that we have to enable an option which will allow our the project to create new entities in the database. To do so, in the file hello-world-core/src/main/filters/ we have to switch the line to :

To make sure the new property is taken into account, we refresh the project (in Eclipse : menu Project -> Clean…).

Finally, we fill our database with the script especially written for this. We just right click on it in Eclipse and Run as Java Application.

Launch the project

Now we have all the tools properly configurated and ready to run our project. To do that, we just start the server tomcat7 in Eclipse (if you don’t have the server view : Window -> Show view -> Other -> Server/Servers). To access to our project, we can go to http://localhost:8080/ . To access the console, the address is http://localhost:8080/console/ .


Until you change it, the login/password for the project and the project’s console is admin/admin.